Arpit Bahety
abahety at utexas dot edu

I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at The University of Texas at Austin where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Roberto Martín-Martín and am part of the Robot Interactive Intelligence (RobIn) lab. I am passionate about developing general-purpose, deployable robots in the wild. Broadly, my interests lie in perception and manipulation for robotics, and developing intelligent behaviour through interaction.

Previously, I finished my MS in Computer Science from Columbia University, advised by Prof. Shuran Song, and my undergraduate from the Indian Institute of Information Technology - Allahabad (IIIT-A), advised by Prof. G. C. Nandi.

I also love to play tennis, basketball, music and to snowboard.

CV / Twitter / Github / Google Scholar



ScrewMimic: Bimanual Imitation from Human Videos with Screw Space Projection

Arpit Bahety, Priyanka Mandikal, Ben Abbatematteo, Roberto Martín-Martín
Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS 2024)
Outstanding Student Paper Finalist   •   Website  •   Paper   •   Video   •   Code   •   Poster

BaRiFlex: A Robotic Gripper with Versatility and Collision Robustness for Robot Learning

Gu-Cheol Jeong, Arpit Bahety, Gabriel Pedraza, Ashish D. Deshpande, Roberto Martín-Martín
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)
Website  •   Paper   •   Assembly Instructions   •   Usage Code   •   Video

REFLECT: Summarizing Robot Experiences for FaiLure Explanation and CorrecTion

Zeyi Liu*, Arpit Bahety*, Shuran Song
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2023)
Website  •   Paper   •   Code   •   Video

Bag All You Need: Learning a Generalizable Bagging Strategy for Heterogeneous Objects

Arpit Bahety*, Shreeya Jain*, Huy Ha, Nathalie Hager, Benjamin Burchfiel, Eric Cousineau, Siyuan Feng, Shuran Song
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023)
Website  •   Paper   •   Code (coming soon)   •   Video

Automatic quantification and visualization of street trees

Arpit Bahety, Rohit Saluja, Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla, Anbumani Subramanian, C. V. Jawahar
Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP), 2021
Paper   •   Code   •   Video   •   The Indian Express   •   Telangana Today   •   Edexlive

An approach to computational creation of insight problems using CreaCogs principles

Arpit Bahety, Ana-Maria Olteteanu
7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, 2019

Towards a Multi-level Exploration of Human and Computational Re-representation in Unified Cognitive Frameworks

Ana-Maria Olteteanu, Mikkel Schöttner, Arpit Bahety
Frontiers in Psychology, 2019

* indicates equal contribution


  • Conference Reviewer: ICRA, IROS
  • Teaching Assistant:
    • COMS 4773: Robot Manipulation and Learning (Spring 2024, UT Austin)
    • COMS 4773: Computational Aspects of Robotics (Spring 2022 and Spring 2023, Columbia University)
    • COMS 4995: Neural Networks and Deep Learning (Fall 2021, Columbia University)